ArcMap and ArcScene Map Creation

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* Why are proper cartographic skills essential in working with UAS data?
It is very important to be able to show your audience your UAS data in a clear and concise manner. Illustrating a map is a very effective way to do so. It shows your audience the important features of your data set, the direction reference with a compass rose, and even key flight data such as time, date, etc.
* What are the fundamentals of turning either a drawing or an aerial image into a map?
A drawing/illustration needs a few things to become a map: a scale, a legend, a coordinate system, watermark, and attribute data. If it is missing one or more of these components, then it is technically not a map. A scale and coordinate system give those viewing it some insight into the image they are looking at. A legend explains key features of the map, and attribute data is used to provide key flight information. The watermark is essential in making your data yours. Otherwise, your map can be taken from you with no proof of it being your creation.
* What can spatial patterns of data tell the reader about UAS data? Provide several examples.
Spatial patterns can illustrate a picture for the map’s readers. By demonstrating a certain arrangement of data, the reader can recognize the point that the creator is trying to get across. In forestry, if the reader notices a pattern of less tree growth around certain areas of a forest, he/she will be able to assess the situation in the manner they deem fit, whether it be because of lack of water, sun, infestation, etc. In accident reconstruction, someone can notice the tire mark patterns traveling a certain way and can then attempt to determine point of origin of the accident.
* What are the objectives of the lab?
The objectives of this lab are to teach us students the key attributes to make a map. After learning what is needed to make a map, we will learn how to create one using the ArcMap and Arc Catalogue software to turn our datasets into a readable map.
o What key characteristics should go into folder and file naming conventions
When making folder names, you should keep track of the name of the project, as well as the date associated with it. That way you will be able to search for the folder using one of two methods. In terms of organization, it is probably most beneficial to organize by date so you can find your most recent projects easier.
o Why is file management so key in working with UAS data
UAS data incorporates hundreds and thousands of GB of data. If strewn all over the place, it becomes incredibly easy to lose track of your data, completely ruining your projects. Keeping your data clean and organized will also allow the computer to process the information quicker.
o What key forms of metadata should be associated with every UAS mission
Tools used to collect the data, specifics on the tools used such as name, platform, etc., the data set coordinate system and projection, and the time and date of the data collection.
o What basemap did you use? Why?
I used the satellite image basemap, because I like seeing the surrounding terrain to help me visualize where we are.
o What is the difference between a DSM and DEM?
DSM – digital surface model, captures the natural and built features on the Earth’s surface
DEM – Digital Elevation Model, this voids out vegetation and man made structures to illustrate the bare earth elevation
o Cell Size, Units, Projection, Highest Elevation, Lowest Elevation
o Enter those statistics into a table. Why are these important?
These data points are important to the reader because typically, this information will help to understand the image. It gives extra meaning to the map as well as reference to what the reader is looking at. The different colors in elevation are nice, however knowing the actual altitude of the highest and lowest points gives scale to the shading.
o What does hillshading do towards being able to visualize relief and topography.
The hillshading sharpens the sides of the altitude changes to give the reader a better understanding of what they see.
o How does the orthomosaic relate to what you see in the shaded relief of the DSM
The shaded relief shows the elevation change concisely, whereas the orthomosaic shows vegetation differences as well as you can better see objects in the orthomosaic than in the shaded DSM. While you can distinguish elevation in the DSM., you can distinguish objects in the orthomosaic.
o What is the purpose of vertical exaggeration?
The vertical exaggeration better illustrates the differences between the base height and the top elevation value.
o What color ramp did you use? Why?
I used a color ramp with blue as the low altitude and red as the high altitude. I chose this setting because my mind relates it to something being cool or hot. The low elevations are lower, therefore they are cooler than the higher elevations.
o What are the advantages of using ArcScene to view UAS DSM data vs. the overhead shaded relief in ArcMap. What are the disadvantages?
By viewing the dataset itself, a reader is able to conceptualize the number differences, however an overshaded relief is also beneficial for someone that cannot conceptualize the UAS DSM data in ArcScene.
o Is this export a map? Why or why not?
No, this is just an image. We are still missing key elements such as: legend, scale, direction, scene map, metadata, etc.
* Summarize what makes UAS data useful as a tool to the cartographer and GIS user
UAS data can help a cartographer generate an aerial map. A UAS can cover a large area and stitch together data to create an orthomosaic that can then be turned into a map after proper steps are taken. For a GIS user, they can take the data captured by the UAS and convert that into job-specific pertinent information. Whether it be plant development, construction progress, or anything else it can be used in GIS to help solve a specific problem.
* What limitations does the data have? What should the user know about the data when working with it.
The data is limited to a certain factor of accuracy. That should be explicitly stated when it is handed over to the user, so they are aware how certain they can be in the data provided. Hopefully the data is captured to a certain degree of certainty that is deemed acceptable by the user.
* Speculate what other forms of data this data could be combined with to make it even more useful.
This data could be combined with weather patterns throughout parts of the year to aid in crop vegetation. Or the data could coincide with different civil engineering data so they can speculate how to develop the land.


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