Progress Report #3 (Updated w/ Week 4)
This week, after the completion of the flight area shape files, I finalized the weekly flight schedule. There is a good spread of people flying each day of the week, so once we are able to begin flying I will be able to assign who to out in the field each day. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be dangerously cold, so much so that Purdue may cancel their classes. If this is the case, then we will push back our Wednesday plans to next week. However, if we do have class as scheduled we will have a "dry run", or a simulated situation. Evan, Thomas, and I will work together to create a situation such as recent flooding and let the class figure out what needs to be accomplished for the mission to be successful. This may include sensor integration, flight planning, designating takeoff and landing zones, etc. Hopefully we are able to complete that this week. Update: Week four was a slow week because we decided to not require a meeting on Monday. We had planned to test out a dry-...