Geospatial Video
During this lab exercise, we worked with geospatial video to demonstrate how the location of a UAV can be tied to a map as well as the video that the aircraft is seeing at that time. Oftentimes in the UAS industry, we deal with nadir (straight down shots). These shots are then tied to GPS coordinates for mapping purposes. However, there are instances when we need shots obtained from a different angle so as to capture the surrounding areas gathering more information. While reviewing the captured video, either post flight or during flight, it is important to know where the UAV is and where it is looking. This information can be very beneficial for operations such as search and rescue, firefighting, surveillance, etc. Geospatial video allows us to see this data. The idea for the lab was simple: take the data we were given and turn it into the final product. The process however, was not as concrete. In previous labs, our instructor has either given us step-by step instructions or walked ...