UAS Nexus of Relations
Unmanned aerial systems are often referred to as "drones", and while to the recreational user they may be just a drone, the complexity of the "system" reaches far beyond the aircraft itself. Attached in this post is a simple figure that I constructed to demonstrate the different parts of the system and how they work together to form a UAS. The figure was carefully constructed to imitate the shape of a human body, this is because similar to a human body, each part is integral to its operations. Starting at the beginning, the head, is where the unmanned aerial system is located. All of the body parts come together to create the UAS. Moving down from the top, the UAS consists of three integral parts, the ground station, the aircraft, and the pilot. Making up one of the arms of the figure is the ground station. The ground station is vital to the UAS because it provides real-time data from the aircraft to the pilot. Such examples of this data includes altitude, headin...